About This Project

LK Glickman with some artwork from this collection.


“Voices for the Wild” features mixed-media artworks honouring female land defenders and environmentalists from across Canada and in a variety of habitats. I pose these women with animals affected by ecological degradation in the areas they protect. My subjects are passionate about their field of work. My paintings tell these women’s stories through visual imagery, which often has a more immediate and visceral impact than words do. I profile scientists, authors, professors, artists and activists, all working on environmental issues. By painting women from different backgrounds with different areas of expertise, I want to show that anyone can be an activist and that everyone can use their skills to make changes in the world. My subjects are on the ground doing this important work, giving voices to the wild. My contribution is that in my studio, I can amplify their voices to a public they might not otherwise have reached. 


My awareness that our ecosystems are fragile, impermanent, and in danger is the driving force behind this project. I want to show that Canadian landscapes are rich and full of life to cherish and not just resources to plunder. Nature is my main source of motivation, but I am also inspired by the beauty and strength of women activists as well as that of the animals that struggle to survive and thrive. I have also been inspired by the respectful attitude to the environment found in Indigenous mythology and culture. I feel a very strong connection to the animals and plants I observe on my woodland walks. I return home feeling compelled to celebrate their beauty and individuality. In addition, recognizing the indispensability of each species compels me to address the urgency of taking care of these spaces for future generations NOW.


The destruction of our environment through poor Canadian resource management and because of global climate change are pressing issues. I believe the stories that we tell through the art we create can show people what the world is—what our environment looks like and what challenges it faces—but also what the world could become. For this reason, creating art about the natural world using natural materials is itself a form of activism, capable of inspiring others not only to create their own art but to find creative solutions to the environmental crisis we currently face. 

I also hope this gendered collection will touch young audiences, particularly young women from marginalized communities, who are open to learning about or already passionate about preserving and protecting our ecosystems. I hope they will see that art is a form of communication, and a very powerful, immediate one.

I chose to focus on Canadian women because we have too often been left out of the conversation about the future of our wild places. Those in power in governments and corporations are usually men concerned with short-term profitability versus long-term impacts on nature. It may seem like a cliché, but experience has shown that women more often take the long view and are concerned about protecting the environment for future generations. 

Because they often work outside official channels, women environmentalists may be less well known to the general public than men in positions of authority. I want to highlight females who work in various capacities to defend nature: some are scientists, others authors, professors, musicians and activists. They come from all parts of our country and work in all kinds of habitats, and range in age from 16 to the high double digits.

This project is my way of communicating my own activism as well as inspiring others. I want to draw attention to visual art and the environment through my work, while of course promoting myself as an individual artist.


I want my viewers to be engaged, inspired and excited by my work. Lining the display space with these large-scale mixed media works will create an immersive experience to draw people in. I want viewers to feel motivated to get involved, to feel hopeful and powerful. I want people to leave my show wanting to know more and wanting to do more to protect the richness and beauty of Canada’s wilderness. 


All the women featured in this installation will be invited to give presentations on their work and their mission during the exhibition, either in person or by video. All presentations will be available on video streaming platforms and will be uploaded to this project website. Their bios are featured on this site, along with links to their pages and organizations.

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